Through and Through Yoga Kaivalyadhama
Through and Through Yoga Kaivalyadhama is a creation out of direct and indirect contributions from many people . The author is only the final outlet for the manifestation of the book . I may not be able to name and thank all these people individually but certainly hold a deep feeling of gratitude to each one of them . I sincerely thank Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute , especially Shri O. P. Tiwariji and Shri Subodh Tiwariji , for providing encouragement and inspiration which expedited the publication of this book .
One of the main stated purposes , when we founded ACT Yoga ( Authentic Classical Traditional Yoga ) , was to add to and deepen the existing knowledge of Yoga . This book is a humble attempt in that direction . I am thankful to the students and teachers of ACT Yoga for traversing together with me on the path of Yoga . A special mention of Shri Nikhil Arora is necessary for his ever – present cooperation and positivity in pushing me towards the publication of this book . Thanks are in place to my family members for providing me a conducive environment since childhood for perpetual learning and scholarship and providing a well – considered impartial feedback on my writings . I am eternally grateful to natural grace which facilitates the fulfillment of aspirations . The shortcomings in the book should be fully attributed to me .
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