Living with Stress without Distress through Yoga


AUTHOR: Dr. Shrikrishna , Dr. MV Rajapurkar
Best Seller: Aarsh Sahitya
CATEGORY: Stress Management

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When you are suffering from any problems like Backache , High Blood Pressure, Diabetes etc. , you would find the approach offered by Yoga as very useful and very appropriate for the management of your problem . In some of you , it would serve as a Complimentary approach to the conventional medical treatment which you might be undergoing . In some others , where the conventional approach does not give the desired relief , it may even serve as the alternative approach .

It is useful where one is seeking cure or control of his / her problem . It is extremely useful during the period of convalescence and recovery and for rehabilitation . But more than this , it is really useful in preventing the continuation and recurrence of the problem in future .

Yoga is a product of the perennial wisdom of India. One can trace the origin of Yoga back to the period of Indus Valley civilization i.e. at least three thousand years before Christ . All through the last five thousand years , it has remained as one of the most important facets of the Indian Culture, remaining vibrant and responsive to the changing times all through this period .

Stress Management : Modern and Yogic Perspective

The concept of stress is as elusive as it is important. Stress is ubiquitous . No person escapes of some sort or the other in daily life . In this sense people are seen as passive helpless victims of the stress phenomenon . In a sense it is a new generic term for ’cause – effect relationships.

Stress Management : Modern and Yogic Perspective

Living with Stress without Distress through Yoga Dr. Shrikrishna

The aim of every human being is to survive as happily as possible

In an ever changing world and to achieve the highest possible consistent with one’s potentialities . It is the gap between achievement and expectation that leads to stress . For the present concept of stress we owe a great deal to the pioneering work of Prof. Hans Selye , who was awarded the Nobel Prize for this work.

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