Bhojanakutuhalam – An Informative Ayurvedic Treatise Compiled in 17th Century on Various Aspects of Food


AUTHOR: Acharya Balakrishna
SUBJECT: Bhojanakutuhalam – An Informative Ayurvedic Treatise Compiled in 17th Century on Various Aspects of Food
CATEGORY: Ayurveda
LANGUAGE: Sanaskrit – English
PAGES: 575
BINDING: Paper Back


The copious literature on Ayurveda has been created since the ancient times in India. In addition,T there has been a well-established and prosperous tradition of teaching and learning of Ayurveda.Later on, several treatises were destroyed due to adverse circumstances in the era, some ancient rarehandwritten manuscripts were confined to different state.

It was a strenuous and arduous work to explore the original handwritten copies of these treatises, whichwere available at diverse places, as well as to edit and translate them into simple easy-to-understand language.The Patanjali University has resolved to work on the exploration of the ancient unpublished manuscripts ofAyurveda and to undertake the even more cumbersome work of editing and publishing them. By knowingtheir significance, the first trilogy of such ancient treatises has been published in Hindi, titled as follows:

1. Bhojana-Kutühalam

2. Ayurveda Mahodadhiḥ (Suşena Nighanţu)

3. Ajīrņāmṛtmañjarī

Other than this, there could not be any greater fortune for me to present these three treatises in the 41s year of my advent into this world.

We are earnestly thankful to the hon’ble Prof. Vijaypal Shastri ‘Pracheta’, a Vedic Scholar, and hisassociates for giving a concrete shape to the endeavour undertaken by the Patanjali University. We expressheartfelt gratitude to Mumbai resident renowned and experienced Ayurvedic physician Dr. S.D. Kamath ji forgiving valuable suggestions to clarify controversial points.

A quick publication of these three treatises has become possible only by the divine inspiration of rddheyaYogrsi Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj, I bow my head and dedicate these three treatises in his divine feet.

I bow my head by remembering lacs of karmayogī brothers and sisters of Patanjali Yoga family by whoseefforts the world has become curious about Yoga, health and have enhanced its prestige. Recalling them all. Ibow my heart to all the faithful and sincere devotees of Yoga and Ayurveda all over the world.

We express heartfelt gratitude to all those research institutes and athenaeums that provided the copiesof those manuscripts. May this work continue unhindered, we pray to the Almighty for the success of thisdetermination.

Acharya Balkrishna


Food is very important for life and said- Annam vai brahma. It is the base of life ofliving beings- Annaṁ vai präninaṁ pränāh. In Indian spirituality and Ayurvedic tradition, adeep and broad description of food is given and purity of food is considered to be the path of salvation.

आहारशुद्धी सत्वशुद्धि, सत्यशुद्धी वा स्मृति, स्मृतिलम्भे सर्वग्रन्थीनां विप्रमोक्षः’।

It means that the purity of food purifies the mind and purity of mind results in thepreseverance of memory. Preseverance of memory means that the person in higher consciousnesslives with awareness. At every moment he is aware of his duties. So he is always carefullydetermined to fulfil his duty. There is not even a single mistake in his behaviour. Hence, dueto restorative memory all the knots of ignorance, sensuality, attachment, malignity are openedand he will be devoid of egoism. Seeker becomes fetterless and joyous. The ultimate source ofhuman welfare is the purity of food. Here, in food, the spiritual thoughts, a diet of supersenseare also included. This fact is also clearly stated in the Bhagavad Gitä.

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा ।। (६.१७)

Means practicing appropriate diet-regimen, pertinent demeanor, appropriate sleep andwake up makes a person devoid of distress. In this statement of the Bhagavad Gitä, anappropriate diet is also considered as the main source of healthy living.

There is a context in ‘Caraka Samhită’ (a famous treatise of Ayurveda) that a great council of sages in Himalayan valley strongly pondered over the causes of disease and health. At the end they concluded that food is the chief cause of health and diseases. There, in conclusion, it stabilized the theory that balanced diet promotes health where as an imbalanced dict causes disorders.

तमुवाच भगवानात्रेय:- हिताहारोपयोग एक एव पुरुषस्य वृद्धिकरो भवति,

अहिताहारोपयोगः पुनर्व्याधिनिमित्तमिति ।। ( चरकसंहिता, सूत्रस्थान-२५.३१)

In this way, Ayurveda which is merely not a medical system but an overall philosophy of life says that the proper and salutary diet regimen, fair deal, proper sleeping, awakening and proper daily routine makes the humans healthy and happy.

नरो हिताहार-विहार सेवी समीक्ष्यकारी विषयेष्वसक्तः ।

दाता समः सत्यपर: क्षमावानाप्तोपसेवी च भवत्यरोगः ।।

मतिर्वचः कर्म सुखानुबन्धि सत्त्वं विधेयं विशदा च बुद्धिः ।

ज्ञानं दमस्तत्परता च योगे यस्यास्ति तं नानुपतन्ति रोगाः । ।

                                                                                                                                          (चरकसंहिता, शारीरस्थानम् – २.४६-४७ )

A person who regularly follows salutary diet regimen, works deliberately, remains detached to sense-topics, is generous and honest, maintains evenness in twit-praise, value- offend, profit-loss, vicissitudes. conflicts, adopts placability and company of wise men always remains healthy. One who performs a result of doing good by balancing a mind, word and action, whose mind is always subjugated and without any sense of naughtiness (anger, malice and sensuality) to acquire the principle. Those who are wise, jitendra and devoted towards Yoga, they do not get sick.

In this way a vast description of salutary diet regimen is available in the treatise of Ayurveda. The author of this book Sh. Raghunath Suri Ji (Ayurveda expert) has systematically presented the food related knowledge pervaded in great Ayurvedic scriptures. The useful knowledge from various books like Caraka Samhita, Suśruta Samhita, Aştanghrdaya, Astängsangraha, Dhanvantari Nighantu, Susena Nighantu, Kaideva Nighantu, Bhavapraksa Nighantu, Raja Nighantu has been compiled in this book.

A comprehensive and miscellaneous knowledge associated with food according to Ayurvedic tradition shows that Sh. Raghunath Suri Ji made a food based world encyclopedia.

In such a way this rare scripture named Bhojankutühalam by Raghunath Suri ji having more than 1800 verses collected from various sources is adorned with useful material related to food. Nomenclature of scripture is annotated as it gives all the possible information related to quality of food items, their purification, preparation and method of cooking.

This treatise is written in 3 parts, but food related Ayurvedic deliberation is in first chapter. So first chapter is presented with english translation. In this chapter, properties of various types of cereals and eatables like wheat, paddy, milk, curd, pulses, vegetables are described. Other than this, method of preparation of various foodstuffs and cooking effects are also described. Rest of the 2 chapters are still unpublished.

They have food related theological deliberation means edible and non-edible rule is described theologically. Author himself says that the matter compiled in this treatise is collected from various ancient Samhita, Nighantu and Ayurvedic scriptures.

इत्थं विमथ्य गुणपाठसुधाम्बुराशिं लब्ध्वा परामृतरसं सुरसं च तस्मात् ।
निर्माण भोजनकुतूहलमीश्वराणां सोषाय तेन परितुष्यतु शेषशायी।।
इति विविधनिबन्धाब्धीनगाधान् विगाह्य प्रबलगुरुसमीक्षानौकया निर्विशेषम् ।
रुचिरतरललाममासाद्य तद् विहितविधि विधेयं सम्भूतं भूतयेऽस्तु ।।

Introduction of Author :-

Presented scripture’s colophon and another paragraph shows that the author of this scripture/treatise is Pt. Raghunath Suri ji. From author’s another treatise named Prayograthabhusha’s colophon came to know that Raghunath Suri ji was the son of Ganesh Bhatt, Grandson of Raghunath and Great Grand son of Harihar Bhatt ji.

Author’s creations at various places indicate that he was related to Anantdev ji. As suggested by the various adjectives like Anantdeviy, Anantdevody, Anantdevdyody, Anantdevdyatnj, etc. It appears from the word ‘Anantdevdyatmj’ that author’s father was Anantdev, but this statement goes opposite to previously mentioned fact. Indeed author described/stated ‘Anantdev’, who was the son of Appdev and grand son of Anantdev, as his preceptor.

Hence, Anantdev can not be author’s father but he seems to be his preceptor. Author’s statements at various places expressed great respect/regards towards Anantdev ji. This fact also confirms that Anantdev ji was the preceptor of Raghunath Suri ji.

Preceptor of Shivaji and Maharastra’s famous sage/saint Samarth Guru Ramdas ji wrote some letters to Raghunath Suri ji. Those clarifies that author was of “Vasisthal clan which is corelated to ‘Karde’ clan Marathas. Navhasta was the family name of Raghunath Suri. He was ‘Vaisnava’ hence accepted ‘Lord Visņu ji’ as his deity/adorable god. Time-period of his preceptor was in between 1624 to 1675. Anantdev was a highly skilled writer and descendant of Maratha saint Eknath. Anantdev’s father Appadev ji was the author of a very famous treatise named Mimämsänyāyprāksha. Raghunath Suri was very close friend to Samarth Guru Ramdas ji.

It seems that after the establishment of Maratha dynasty by Ekoji in 1678, the author started living in Tanjour, because in his Marathi language treatise named Narak-varpana he told that Queen of Ekoji Maharani Deepambika gave him shelter. Other than ‘Bhojankutühala’ Raghunath Suri wrote many scriptures in Marathi and Sanskrit.

His Sanskrit scriptures are as follows:-

Bhojankutühalam, Sahityekutuhalam, Prayaścittakut@halam, Janardanamahodyaḥ, Kasimimänsä, Prayogaratnabhuşa and Caturmasyaprayogah.

Marathi scriptures:-

Naraka-varnana, Govardhanoddharana, Stridarma. In Narakavarnana he described all his treatises except Prayogaratnabhuşa and Caturmasyaprayogaḥ.

Author’s Shelter provider Rani Deepabai’s husband king Ekoji ruled from 1676 to 1683. In Dharmamrta-mahodadhi, it is mentioned that Bhojanakutuhala has been composed in 1623. Thus, the textual study of Raghunathasuri is decided between 1650 AD to 1725 AD.

Presented Edition:-

First Edition was published from Tiruanantpuram (Kerala) by Anantshyan Granthmala in 1954. Second Edition was published by Ayurveda related Institution (LA.L.M.) Bangalore in 2012.

There were many mistakes in Sanskrit verses in previous editions. Due to thosmistakes the meaning changed at many places. So, in this edition main focus is given ofcorrection of Sanskrit verses. Corrected lesson is kept after carefully obeserving the copienof available manuscripts. Correction related important comments are also given at variouplaces accordingly.

The speciality of this edition is that the origin of most of the quotationafter exploration is written in brackets. The origin of many quotations is still unexplored. Thisshould be completed in upcoming edition.

In the process of emendation many serious text defects of previous editions arerectified. For example, the topic of a lesson in between Tambülavidhi and SuşenoktalBhojanvidhi in previous edition is written as ‘Atha Mardanapratikärah, but its corrected wordis ‘Ath Pardanpratikäraḥ’ means the chapter related to farting (Apänväyu). Similarly, manyother text errors are rectified in this edition.
Specific word index (with meaning) and verseindex for reader’s convenience are given at last. To show text difference three manuscripts ofBhojanakutūhala obtained from Anandäśrama, Puna (S-2910, S-2911, S-2912) are symbolized

as Aa-1, Aa-2, Aa-3 respectively.English translation is presented in an easy form so that maximum readers can getbenefit from it. For common normal readers the meaning of new and difficult words are givenin brackets. Important comments are given at many places to support their meaning. Picturesof medicinal herbs are given at desired places to identify them. Hope that this edition willbe the most useful for the readers. Through this the reader will be able to maintain health bygaining important knowledge of Äyurveda.

Acharya Balkrishan

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