When you are suffering from any problems like Backache , High Blood Pressure, Diabetes etc. , you would find the approach offered by Yoga as very useful and very appropriate for the management of your problem . In some of you , it would serve as a Complimentary approach to the conventional medical treatment which you might be undergoing . In some others , where the conventional approach does not give the desired relief , it may even serve as the alternative approach .
It is useful where one is seeking cure or control of his / her problem . It is extremely useful during the period of convalescence and recovery and for rehabilitation . But more than this , it is really useful in preventing the continuation and recurrence of the problem in future .
Yoga is a product of the perennial wisdom of India. One can trace the origin of Yoga back to the period of Indus Valley civilization i.e. at least three thousand years before Christ . All through the last five thousand years , it has remained as one of the most important facets of the Indian Culture, remaining vibrant and responsive to the changing times all through this period .
Stress Management : Modern and Yogic Perspective
The concept of stress is as elusive as it is important. Stress is ubiquitous . No person escapes of some sort or the other in daily life . In this sense people are seen as passive helpless victims of the stress phenomenon . In a sense it is a new generic term for ’cause – effect relationships.
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